Eliminate shèng, throw away zhì,
And the people will benefit a hundredfold.
Eliminate rén, throw away yì,
People will again practice xiào and cí.
Abolish artistry, discard profit-seeking,
And there will be no more thieves and bandits.
These three, being false adornments, are not enough,
And the people must have something which they can attach themselves.
Exhibit the unadorned and embrace pú.
Have little thought of self and as few desires as possible.
And the people will benefit a hundredfold.
Eliminate rén, throw away yì,
People will again practice xiào and cí.
Abolish artistry, discard profit-seeking,
And there will be no more thieves and bandits.
These three, being false adornments, are not enough,
And the people must have something which they can attach themselves.
Exhibit the unadorned and embrace pú.
Have little thought of self and as few desires as possible.